January 2023


Date: 1-3-2023

Good morning Everyone

Well first wishing each of you Happy New Year!

It’s been a strange winter so far with early bitter cold, then warming and then 16” of wet heavy snow. I know we are all watching Castles Resort having clients driving their trucks and wheelhouses on the ice without any incidents but please still be aware that there is a deep slush blankets under any unplowed snow in many areas. Please be sure to contact the local resorts before heading out on the ice. Most if not all other resorts are restricting access via SXS, 4-wheeler or snowmobiles. Please be sure any guests coming are advised as well.

It's official that the new Board of Directors is seated for this year. We all should thank Ken Dow and Ernie Fry for their service and all they did for the Association. I know I can’t thank each one enough for their willingness to help and provide valuable advice.


UPDATE: Linda Dahlen has advised us that our issues with the IRS from last year may be a distant issue in our rear-view mirror. All seems to be going fantastically!

General Business:

1.      Everyone should have received their Membership renewal forms in the mail. If you have not received it, please reach out to any Board member and we’ll see to it one is sent out.

2.      When we receive your renewal, we will be sending out the 2023 ramp passes. Each member will receive 2 passes which must be displayed anytime the member or guest uses the Association ramp or there is a chance they will be asked to leave and use a public ramp for access to the water.

3.      We may have to deal with another pesky beaver this Spring. Everyone will be advised if a moving date is set.

4.      It’s been mentioned and noticed that the SPEED on the island is not being observed. PLEASE slow down!

Looking forward to having everyone have a safe journey back if you’re enjoying the fun and sun somewhere!

Have a great rest of the Winter


Rick Behnke   218-820-7851

Richard Behnke