April 2024 Board Minutes


Zoom Meeting

April 30, 2024

1.     Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 6:34 pm central pm via Zoom.

2.     Roll Call: Members present:  Behnke, DaRosa, Larson,  Joyce, Stahnke

Absent:  Dahle, Dasllmann

3.     Treasures Report: 

·      StanhkeBudget and Harbor dredging funds.  DaRosa asked if accountant could separate our general operating budget  from the Dredging Project. Behnke to check with accountant.

·      Loan Amount:  $95,000.00.

·      Regular checking balance 11,841.95

·      Savings Account (Dredging Project)  $32,793.14

Motion to approve Treasures report Larson, Stahnke.  Motion Approved unanimously.

4.     Secretary Report:  Motion to approve minutes of January 29, 2024 by Joyce, seconded by Larson.  Motion approved unanimously.


·      Board to walk site in May 2024.

Invoice 1469 in the amount of $6250 and invoice 1432 in the amount of $2790 for a total of $ 7405.57 to /Close out True North contract for dredging.


·      Motion by DaRosa seconded by Larson to pay True North invoice# 1469 in the amount of @ 6250.00  Motion Carried unanimously.


·      Motion by Joyce seconded by Stahnke to pay True North Invoice # 1432 in the amount of $2680.  Motion carried unanimously.


·      Motion by Joyce seconded by Stahnke to pay True North Invoice # 1433 in the amount of $2790.00.  Motion carried unanimously.


·      Savings Balance after above invoice paid:  $25,387.51


·      President Behnke reported that additional work is needed to restore the outlot path.  True North will do the repairs for $ 870.00.

Motion by DaRosa, seconded by Larson to approve additional path work to True North in the amount of $870.00.  Motion approved unanimously.


6.      Dock assignments.  Need to develop a Priority List and protocol in assigning docks.

7.     Discussion of Joyces dock being a hazard to boats using the boat ramp and community dock.

8.     Motion by Stahnke to condemn Joyces dock for safety purposes:  Motion failed for lack of second.   More discussion need to be had by BOD.



9.     Motion to adjourn at 7:42pm by Larson, seconded by Stahnke, Motion carried unanimously.







Chriss Joyce