March 2024 Board Minutes
Zoom Meeting
March 21, 2024
1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 6:36 pm central pm via Zoom.
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, DaRosa, Larson, Stahnke, Larson, Dahl
Absent: Dallmann, Joyce. Dallman joined meeting at 6:45
3. Approval of minutes: January 29, 2024 and February 12, 2024…members haven’t had time to review. To be approved at next meeting.
4. Dock Regulations: Motion to approve Dock Regulations by Dahle, seconded by Larson with the following additions/changers: The MIA members shall provide name of insurance company with policy number with each annual renewal of membership
Motion Approved unanimously.
5. President Behnke reported:
· there is a large rock at the community dock that may create issues with loading and unloading of boats at the community ramp. Behnke to contact North Star for a price to remove.
· Jim Butler and Becker will become dock partners. Becker gave up his previous dock assignment.
· A pistol was found on the out lot. It was returned to owner.
6. Motion to adjourn at 7:16 pm by Larson, seconded by Dahle , Motion carried unanimously.