January 2024 Board Minutes


Zoom Meeting

January 29, 2024

1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 6:34 pm central pm via Zoom.

2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, DaRosa, Larson, Dallmann, Joyce, Stahnke

Absent: Dahle.

3. Treasures Report:

 Membership Renewals. 63 total members. 47 Paid in full, 16 not paid, 4

with no docks.

 Mary Ward not renewing membership and dock #43

 Reminder Membership dues are due January 31to February 29, 2024. If not

paid member could lose membership and dock privileges.

 Budget and Harbor dredging funds. DaRosa asked if accountant could

separate our general operating budget from the Dredging Project. Behnke to

check with accountant.

 Loan Amount: $95,000.00.

 Regular checking balance $7,098.79

 Savings Account (Dredging Project) $453,414.73

Motion to approve Treasures report Larson, Dahllman. Motion Approved


4. Secretary Report: Motion to approve minutes of November 28, 2023 by Joyce,

seconded by Larson. Motion approved unanimously.

5. Behnke gave update on Harbor dredging project.

Project Budget $89,000

Original contract: $72,053

Total with Change Orders ie path, tree removals etc, $81,187.00

6. New Business: Spring Metting of Membership: June 8, 2024 2pm.

7. Ramp Passes to be mailed to members. FYI

8. Dock installs: Henter to charge $200 for roll in, $300 for Pole installs.

9. Motion to adjourn at 8:04 pm by Stahnke, seconded by Larson, Motion carried


Chriss Joyce