January 2024 Board Minutes
Zoom Meeting
January 29, 2024
1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 6:34 pm central pm via Zoom.
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, DaRosa, Larson, Dallmann, Joyce, Stahnke
Absent: Dahle.
3. Treasures Report:
Membership Renewals. 63 total members. 47 Paid in full, 16 not paid, 4
with no docks.
Mary Ward not renewing membership and dock #43
Reminder Membership dues are due January 31to February 29, 2024. If not
paid member could lose membership and dock privileges.
Budget and Harbor dredging funds. DaRosa asked if accountant could
separate our general operating budget from the Dredging Project. Behnke to
check with accountant.
Loan Amount: $95,000.00.
Regular checking balance $7,098.79
Savings Account (Dredging Project) $453,414.73
Motion to approve Treasures report Larson, Dahllman. Motion Approved
4. Secretary Report: Motion to approve minutes of November 28, 2023 by Joyce,
seconded by Larson. Motion approved unanimously.
5. Behnke gave update on Harbor dredging project.
Project Budget $89,000
Original contract: $72,053
Total with Change Orders ie path, tree removals etc, $81,187.00
6. New Business: Spring Metting of Membership: June 8, 2024 2pm.
7. Ramp Passes to be mailed to members. FYI
8. Dock installs: Henter to charge $200 for roll in, $300 for Pole installs.
9. Motion to adjourn at 8:04 pm by Stahnke, seconded by Larson, Motion carried