June 2024 Spring Meeting Agenda
Spring Meeting ( DRAFT)
See attached agenda
Dallmann Garage
June 8, 2024
1. Meeting called to order: 11:05am
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, DaRosa, Larson, Stahnke, Larson, Dallman
Absent: Joyce, Dahle.
3. Presidents Greeting:
4. President Behnke report:
· New Member introductions.
· Volunteers. Thank you, Keith, Chuck and Tami, for renovating Malone Island Sign in harbor.
5. Election of Officers and Board members at Annual Fall Meeting. There will be several positions open. Please consider running for Board of Directors or an Officer.
6. Treasurers Report. See Attached handout. Checking Account balance $8,000.00 Saving Accounts balance $25,390.00
7. Open Discussion of Financials Issues
8. Existing Business:
a. Dredging Project Update. See attached detail. Total project estimate $89k, Actual $72,057. Total with change orders $81,250.00
b. Harbor scheduled to be treated for weeds and algae June 11 and July 15, 2024.
c. Docks. There are a few dock spaces that are not assigned.
9. New business:
a. Forms are available on MIA website for dock request, brush removal, membership etc.
b. Reminder request for out lot clearing etc. a permit must be submitted and approved prior to any work being done. This permit is for one-time only.
c. Brush Pile Burning: Looking for a person to conduct burning. Halverson is no longer able to do this work.
d. Reminder: no leaves in burn pile.
e. No dumping of bait on MIA property.
f. Boat Lift space: Boat lifts are no longer allowed. The one boat lift that exists has been grandfathered to remain.
g. 4Th July Parade, July 6th. Line up at 10:30. Parade starts at 11:00am
h. Out lot Cleanup: The trees that were removed for the harbor dredging are next to burn pile. Members are encouraged to take firewood.
10. Open Floor for Membership Questions:
a. Air B&B and rental property discussion on whether they should be allowed membership and privileges. President Behnke formed a committee consisting O Larson(Chair), Jurva, Butler to discuss and bring recommendation for board to consider in August.
11. Motion to adjourn at 12:05pm pm by Stahnke, seconded by Larson , Motion carried unanimously.