March 2021 Board Minutes
March 1, 2021
1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 6:00PM
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, Bruesewitz, Larson, Joyce.
Absent: Frie, Dow, DaRosa. DaRosa joined the meeting at 6:25
3. Guest in attendance: None
4. Approval of minutes : None
5. Treasures Report. As of March 1, 2021, Association balance was $14,780.00
Association received 59 renewals out of 60
22 Renewals received electronically
6. Secretary’s Report: None
7. Correspondence: Household on channel refusal to pay full amount of member dues. Motion by Larson, seconded by Bruesewitz to revoke the membership of household for failure to pay membership dues in full and to refund the partial payment of dues received. Motion carried unanimous.
8. Maintenance Report:
David Walz request to trim pine trees from the ground up and Sumac on outlot across from his and his Uncle’s property was approved. NO trees will be removed
Island Wide Volunteer Clean Up D : scheduled for May 22. More details to follow.
Work was completed with additional clean-up of branches in a couple weeks
Maintenance committee will investigate Association signage and report back at next board meeting. Please periodically check the website
10. OLD BUSINESS: Clothing orders have surpassed expectations.
Order will definitely be placed.
Order cutoff is March 31, 2021, checkout the items on the website
Member Survey: Island Social Activities: Motion by DaRosa, seconded by Bruesewitz to authorize Joyce to explore and report back to the board with possible social event ideas for members..i.e. Launch, kayak ride around Malone Island etc. Motion Carried
12. The vote is in: Thank you to those who took the time to respond to the survey either on the return slip with membership or completing the online form off the website.
Question #1: Are you in favor of changing the dock policy to not have a dock go with the sale of your Island property.
Yes: 12 No: 25
Question #2: Would you be in favor of spending Association money to pay legal fees to review, revise and change current by-laws:
Yes: 11 No: 26
Question#3: Would you prefer current dock policy and by-laws stay in place:
Yes: 25 No: 11
Member Survey: Motion by Larson, seconded by DaRosa to accept the member survey and to publish the results in the next member newsletter. Motion Carried.
13. Next Board Meeting will be held via ZOOM on May1, 2021
14. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Bruesewitz Second by Larson at 7:20 pm. Motion Carried unanimous.