August 2021 Board Minutes
AUGUST 20, 2021
1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 3:04 PM
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, Bruesewitz, Larson, Joyce, DaRosa, Frie Absent: Dow
3. Guest in attendance: None
4. Approval of minutes: Motion by Frie, Seconded by Bruesewitz to approve the minutes of April 8, 2021 zoom meeting. Motion Carried Unanimous.
5. Treasures Report. Bruesewitz presented treasures report. Currently we have 59 paid members. Check book reconciled balance as of July 31,2021 is $14,175.75. Not all encumbered bills included.
6. Secretary’s Report: None
7. Welcoming Committee Report. Larson reported we have 8 new members and 2 pending new members since the beginning of the fiscal/calendar year. Larson inquired if members could pay their initiation fee online using our web site. Joyce didn’t think that would be a problem and will look into making such changes.
Motion by Frie, Seconded by Joyce to have any board member cosign with the welcoming Committee chair any new member applications. Motion Approved Unanimous.
8. Correspondence: Candi Meyer, letter of thanks for naming the 4th of July Parade in memory of her late husband Al Meyer.
9. PRESIDENTS REPORT: We have not received any of the requested information from Mr. Jarva in regards to the complaint he filed with the Mn Attorney Generals office.
Docks: Most docks in the marina have been repaired to association standards
Boat Lifts: there has been two requests for boat lifts in the harbor that have been approved.
Low Water Level and Harbor Dredging: Larson will investigate and explore with Bob Cruz the requirements needed to have the harbor dredged to include checking with the MN DNR and Corps of Engineers.
A new member volunteered to increase the size of the culvert from the lake to the channel near Larson’s home. This potential project will be addressed with the harbor dredging investigation.
Brush Cleanup and stump Grinding of Out lot. A new member graciously removed several stumps on the out-lot. Frie will personally thank the member on behalf of the board.
Malone Island “Living on Island Time” Hoodies and Tee shirts were offered for sale this last spring with great success. Several members requested that it be offered again. At the annual meeting Oct 10 we will have samples and will take orders for a late fall or early spring delivery. More details to follow.
No Parking near the boat ramp. Several members have complained about parking cars and boat trailers near the boat ramp and at the fork in Malone Island Drive. This is causing congestion at the intersection. Behnke will look into having signs made asking members to refrain from parking near the intersection and boat ramp.
Annual Business Meeting and Social:
SAVE THE DATE: October 10, 2021 at 1:30 pm at Marina
Because of Covid, the Association will provide a catered BBQ for a cost of $7.00 per person. More details to follow in Newsletter and separate email.
Election of Officers and Board members: We will be seeking nominations for the following:
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure and 1 Trustee (Dow) position.
12. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Larson. Seconded by Frie at 4:49 pm. Motion Carried unanimous.