February 31, 2023


Date: 3-31-23

Good morning Everyone!

Well it may be Spring but it sure doesn’t look like it yet. School’s closed today because of road conditions and they’re still calling for more bad weather and cold conditions next week.

Just to give everyone an update regarding the potential dredging of the harbor and channel.

As of this morning (3-31-23) we have $22,003.60 in our savings account (maintenance). As discussed at the Fall meeting the Board has proceeded in looking for a company to do the surveying to begin the process of just finding out how much material will be need to be removed from the harbor and channel to get it back to its original condition.

We have found a company out of Isanti who has experience is this type of profiling. They have submitted a cost of $4,000.00 to complete the harbor and channel surveying while still covered with solid ice. The price increases if delayed until ice is out.

On Thursday, 3-29-23 the Board held an emergency session via ZOOM to expedite the review of their bid and vote on the $4,000.00 proposal. After discussion and comments the Board unanimously approved the proposal and begin the survey process ASAP. So, if you see people drilling holes around the harbor and channel that is what’s going on. There could be several hundred holes so please don’t be alarmed.

Note: We have ONLY approved the surveying process.

Once we know the scope of the work from the survey we will begin looking for bids from contractors to preform the work and what options are available to complete the work such as best time of the year, any tree removal, dock removal requirements (if any), hauling away of material, disposal of dredged material.

In addition, we are filing the Association’s application for a loan through First National Bank here in Isle to see what we could borrow if the Association decides to go the route of a loan as was also discussed last Fall.  We anticipate having complete information for the Spring meeting.

Again, there will be NO actual dredging done or contracts signed until ALL this information is reviewed with membership at the Spring meeting May 20, 2023 Starting at 12:30 PM.

We know there will be questions so please reach out to any Board Member or email me directly.


One last note. We realize that things didn’t go as smoothly as we all would have liked regarding the ordering and delivery of Island clothing in the past. With that in mind all items such as “T” shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, cups, mugs, playing cards and many more fun items can be directly ordered by pasting the link below in your browser.




All orders will be paid for on the ETSY site and shipped directly to your address you supply. Easy and fast service. I tried it myself. I ordered 2 coffee mugs, and they arrived in less than 10 days. Take a look…We think you’ll be pleased at the variety of offerings and service.


Thank you Chriss Joyce for your work on this.


Have a weekend everyone!



Rick Behnke


Richard Behnke