August 2022 Board Minutes
August 31. 2022
1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 7:30 PM
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, Larson, DaRosa, Dow
Absent: Joyce, Frie
3. Approval of June 30, 2022 minutes: Motion by Dow, Seconded by DaRosa to approve the minutes. Motion Carried Unanimous.
4. Secretary Report: none
5. Treasures Report. None
6. Correspondence: None
A. Harbor Dredging Capital Improvement fund: Motion by DaRosa, Seconded by Larson to transfer $1500 from general fund to the Harbor Dredging fund contingent on funds being available in Treasure/Budget Motion carried Unanimous.
B. Flagpole on Outlot. Motion by Dow, Seconded by DaRosa to remove the flagpole located on the out lot. And to install a new flagpole near the Malone Island Sign at a cost not to exceed $300.00. Ayes: Behnke, Dow, DaRosa. Abstain Larson. Motion carried.
C. Pruning of trees on out lot. Maintenance committee inspected to determine if trees needed to be trimmed on the out lot. Nothing needs to be done at this time.
D. Harbor Path on out lot: Dow to speak with Kurt to see if we can fill in any low spots on cart path. Dow to report back to board at next meeting.
A. Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Board members.
Date: Saturday October 1, 2022
Time: 2pm
Location: TBA
Food: Smokin Mortars to cater $12 plate. Members asked to bring sides.
Motion by Larson, seconded by Dow to approve above date, time and cost. Motion Carried unanimous.
B. Election of Officers and Board members: We will be seeking nominations for the following:
Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure 1 year term
Board members:
One Year term expiring December 31, 2023 to fill the unexpired term (Hahn resignation)
One 3year Term expiring December 31, 2025. Currently held by Dow who is choosing not to run again.
The third Board member seat held by Larson will expire on December 31, 2024.
10. Annual Dues: Motion by Larson, seconded by Dow to raise the annual membership dues by $15.00 beginning FY 2023, reasoning to cover anticipated inflationary costs increases. Motion carried unanimous
11. Next meeting: October 25, 2022 10 am at DaRosa’s home.
12. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Dow. Seconded by Larson at 8:11 pm. Motion Carried unanimous.