September 2022 Board Minutes
September 25, 2022
1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 10:00 am at DaRosa residence
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, Larson, DaRosa, Dow
Absent: Joyce, Frie. Joyce arrived at 10:10 am
3. Approval of August 31, 2022 minutes: Motion by Dow, Seconded by Larson to approve the minutes. Motion Carried Unanimous.
4. Secretary Report: none
5. Treasures Report. None
6. Correspondence: None
A. Dues going up by $15.00 to be announced at annual meeting..
B. Docks: Dow reported that we have received two new dock request and those requests have been assigned a dock space. Dow also reported there are no dock spaces left. All harbor spaces have been assigned and approximately 5 or 6 spaces could be developed in the channel provided brush is cleared.
C. Harbor Path on out lot: Halverson has filled in low spots on the path for a cost of $400.00.
D. Financials: Current Financials will be provided at the Annual meeting.
E. Elections of Officers and board members:
Officers of the board: (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasure serve a 1 year term that expires December 31, 2022.
Board members:
One Year term expiring December 31, 2023 to fill the unexpired term (Hahn resignation)
One 3year Term expiring December 31, 2025. Currently held by Dow who is choosing not to run again.
One two year term held by Larson will expire on December 31, 2024.
9. Next meeting: Annual Meeting at Dallman October1, 2022 at 2 pm.
10. Meeting Calendar of the Board 2023:
February 9, 2023 Board Meeting. Time TBD
May 6, 2023 Board Meeting. Time TBD
May 20th Annual Spring meeting. Location and time TBD
July 2, 2023 Annual 4th July Parade 1pm.
September 16, 2023 Board Meeting. Time TBD
September 30, 2023 Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and board members. Location and time TBD
11. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by DaRosa. Seconded by Dow at 10:50 Motion Carried unanimous.