October 2022 Board Minutes


Board Meeting

Special Meeting October 1, 2022

1.       Called to order by President Rick Behnke at 12:53pm @Dallmans


2.      Roll Call: Members present:  Behnke, Larson, DaRosa,   Dow

Absent: Joyce, Frie.


3.       Old Business:  

Review of Financials/ Treasures report dated September 30, 2022.

4.       Marina Harbor Dredging Project:

Motion Dow, Seconded by Larson to transfer $10,000.00 for General Operating fund to Marina Dredging savings fund.   Motion Carried Unanimous.

Total amount after transfer will be $12,000.00.


5.       Adjourn:  Motion Dow, Seconded Darosa  to adjourn at 1:18 pm.  Motion Carried


Chriss Joyce