Fall 2022 Membership Meeting Minutes



OCTOBER 1, 2022


1.      Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 2:05 PM at Dallmann residence

2.      Roll Call: Members present:  Behnke, Larson, DaRosa,  Dow, Joyce, Frie. 

3.      Presidents Address:  See attached Agenda.

4.      New member introductions, Accomplishments for 2022.  See Attached Agenda.

5.      Treasures Report.  Joyce presents Association financials dated September 30, 2022.

6.      Website:  Joyce presents update on MIA website. Calendar of events for 2023 on website.

7.      GOALS FOR 2023.  See attached Agenda.

·         Less dependence on volunteers to work

·         Dues going up by $15.00 in 2023.

·         Harbor Drainage area was addressed and seems to be working.  Will monitor.

·         Compost Pile was turned over.

·         Harbor Dredging Update.  General discussion was held with possible options for scope of dredging ie. Survey, remove docks, methods of financing.

General feeling of group was a member assessment was not a desirable method of financing the project.  Behnke presented a loan option with the local bank in which project would be financed thru our dues structure.

The Newly seated Board of Directors will explore options of scope of work and how to finance the project when the new board meets in early 2023 and report recommendations at the Annual Spring Meeting May 20, 2023.

8.      Docks:  Dock Committee Chairman Dow reported there are no dock space available at the present time.  An additional 5-8 dock spaces could be added in in the channel.  Brush removal would be required.   The group thanked Dow for undertaking the Dock committee.  Ken did a great job.

9.      Volunteers;

·         Gardening:  Sign Maintenance.  Meredith Joyce volunteered.

·         Mowing:   Nohre will continue to mow the out lot.  Rick Vanderbosh and Kevin Dallmann will mow the marina.

10.   Officer and Board Member Nomination’s.  Nominations were opened from the floor.


·         One Year Term Board member (to fill unexpired term vacated by Hahn)

Motion to nominate Angela Dahle, seconded by floor.  No other nominations from the floor.  Motion carried unanimously.

·         Three year Term Board member: (expired term by Dow) 

Motion to nominate John Stahnke, seconded by floor.  No other nominations from the floor.  Motion carried unanimously.

·         Secretary:  Motion to nominate Jim DaRosa for secretary. Seconded by floor.  No other nominations.  Motion Carried unanimously.

·         TreasurerMotion to nominate Chriss Joyce, seconded by floor.  No other nominations.  Motion carried unanimously.

·         Vice President:  Motion to nominate Ron Larson.  Seconded by floor.  No other nomination.  Motions carried unanimously.

·         President:  At this time Ron Larson assumes the floor.  Motion to nominate Rick Behnke.  Seconded by floor.  No other nominations.  Motion carried unanimously. 

·         Two Year Term Board of Directors:  ( Unexpired term of Larson who was elected VP)  Motion to nominate Kevin Dallmann, seconded by  floor.  No other nomination.  Motion carried unanimously.



11.  ADJOURNMENT:  President Behnke thank everyone for attending the meeting.  Motion by Dow. Seconded by Frie at 3:24pm.  Motion Carried unanimous.


Chriss Joyce