January 2023 Board Minutes
January 16, 2023
1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 7:03 PM Central
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, Larson, Joyce, Stahnke, Dallmann, DaRosa, Absent: Dahle
3. Approval of October 1, 2022 minutes: Motion by Joyce, Seconded by Larson to approve the minutes. Motion Carried Unanimous.Approval of December 22, 2022 Zoom meeting: Motion Larson, Seconded by Joyce to approve. Motion Carried Unanimous.
4. Secretary Report: none
5. Treasures Report:
Dues notices sent out by US Mail. 28 members have paid dues to date.
Balance of Dredging fund: $12, 003.60.
Balance of General checking fund: $12,832.91.
6. Correspondence: None
Ramp passes (2each) will be mailed to members after we receive dues paid in full by Behnke. Extra ramp passes will be given to Larson.
There seems to be confusion on what are the dues for member living on the channel. To clarify dues for all members living on the channel is $275.00. MOTION by DaRosa, Seconded by Stahnke that the Treasure send an email to all members informing that the dues for members living on the channel is $275.00. Motion Carried Unanimous.
8. OLD BUSINESS: Marina and Channel Dredging Project: GOAL TO REPORT TO GENERAL MEMBERSHIP DETAILS OF PROJECT by the May 6, 2023 Spring Membership meeting.
· Behnke to meet with President of the Bank of Milica to inspect the outlot and marina for the purpose of obtaining details of loan/line of credit. (February/March)
· Larson to secure bids to have survey done to the harbor and channel to determine amount of material to be removed. (February /March)
· Larson to re contact MN DNR about obtaining Maintenance Permit. (February/March)
· Larson to re contact excavation contractors to obtain prices to remove and haul away material. ( by March /April)
· Shoreline Stabilization and Dock Removal/installation. Discussions need to take place at a future board meeting how to handle shoreline stabilizations and dock removal and reinstallation if required.
9. Next Meeting: Zoom Meeting Monday February 13th, 2023 at 7:00 pm Central
10. Meeting Calendar of the Board 2023:
February 13, 2023 Board Meeting. Time 7pm zoom
May 6, 2023 Board Meeting. Time TBD
May 20th Annual Spring meeting. Location and time TBD
July 2, 2023 Annual 4th July Parade 1pm.
September 16, 2023 Board Meeting. Time TBD
September 30, 2023 Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and board members. Location and time TBD
11. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Larson. Seconded by Stahnke at Motion Carried unanimous.