June 2023 Board Minutes
Board of Directors ZOOM Meeting
June 26, 2023
1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 6:05pm
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, DaRosa, Larson, Dallmann, Stahnke, Absent: Joyce, Dahle.
Approval of Minutes of June 10, 2023. Motion to approve Stahnke, seconded Larson, motion approved unanimously..
3. Harbor and Chanell Dredging and dock removal discussion.
Consensus of those members present and after much discussion, the Board of Directors should host a General membership information meeting to fully discuss this project including:
A. Taking out a commercial loan to finance the project.
B. Debt retirement: It is felt that the loan can be paid off by member dues with small annual dues increases.
C. Make handouts available for general membership to take home.
D. The Information meeting will be held September August 26, 2023.
E. And the general membership voting of the project will take place September 9, 2023. Location TBA
4. Motion to Adjourn by Dallmann, seconded by Larson at 7:40 pm. Motion carried unanimously.