Spring 2023 Membership Meeting Minutes



June 10, 2023

1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 12:45pm Dallmann Residence

2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, Larson, Stahnke, Dahle, DaRosa. Joyce,

Dallmann . All members present.

3. Presidents Greeting to General membership.

4. Presidents Report>

a. Membership all members dues are paid

b. Volunteers:

c. Reminded members that the spped limit on the island is 20 MPH

d. Reminded members there is No Wake in Harbor and channel.

5. Treasures Report. Joyce passed out latest financials and budget. Joyce explained in

detail and answered any questions from members.

6. Existing Business

a. Dredging Update Ron Larson

1. Dredging investigation to date

2. Survey has been completed and approx. 2300 cubic yards of material has to

be hauled off site.

3. Several trees may have to be removed and docks may have to be removed to

complete the work. More investigation needs to be done.

4. Bank Loan. MIA has been approved for a loan for$95,0000.00 from the Bank

of Milica as a possible source of funding for the project. Much member

discussion took place with several suggestions. Board will continue to

explore contractors, obtaining additional quotes and funding. It is hoped the

board will have more definitive answers for the Annual Fall Meeting in


5. Treatment for algae and weeds in harbor was treated June 5 and is

scheduled for July 3 rd ..

7. New Business:

a. Request for outlot and harbor work must be pre approved by the maintenance

committee. A work request form is available on our website.

b. Burn Pile: the burn pile was burned first week in June.

c. Please No leafs in Burn pile

d. Beaver Issue: We continue to have a beaver issue in Harbor and channel. A

trapper is working on capturing the beaver.

8. Membership Questions:


10. Adjournment: Motion by Briggie, , Seconded Hodge t o adjourn at 2:22 pm.

Motion Carried unanimous.

Chriss Joyce