June 2023 Special Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2023
1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 10:36 am at Behnke’s residence.
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, Larson, Stahnke, DaRosa. Joyce, Dallmann
present. Dahle Absent. Dahle joined the meeting at 11:09
3. President’s Greeting.
4. Presidents Report
1. Klein Dock #25. Dock was installed in wrong location. Mr Klein also purchased a
boat lift without approval and want to install it in the channel.
Motion by DaRosa 2 nd by Dahlmann that boat lifts will not be installed in
channel per previous board policy regarding boat lift in channel. Roll Call: Ayes
DaRosa, Dahlmann, Dahle, Behnke, Jsoyce. Abstained Larson and Stahnke.
Motion carried.
2. Joyce will secure a safety Deposit box at the Bank of Millica in Isle. Once
secured the Malone Island Abstract will be deposited in the Safety Deposit
5. Adjournment: Motion by Stanhke, Seconded Larson to adjourn at pm. Motion
Carried unanimous.