May 2023 Board Minutes
May 20, 2023
1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 10:36 am at Behnkes residence.
2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, Larson, Stahnke, Dahle, DaRosa. Joyce,
Dallmann . All members present.
3. Approval of minutes: March 23, 2023 Zoom meeting. Motion to approve Dallmann,
seconded by Larson. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Motion to approve minutes of March 30, 2023 Larson, seconded by Dahle. Motion
Carried Unanimously.
4. Secretary’s Report: None.
5. Treasures Report. Bank Balance: $11,130.63
Dredging Savings Account Balance: $22,036.60
Motion to approve Treasures Report Stahnke, seconded by Dallmann. Motion
Carried Unanimously.
6. Correspondence: Letter from PLM Lake Management. Harbor and Channel
treatment of Weed/Algae control. First Treatment week of June 5, second
treatment week of July 3 rd .
8. OLD BUSINESS: Dredging Update:
The survey of Harbor and Channel has been completed. Board discussed survey,
disposal of material etc. May options exist that need further investigation by Board
of Directors.
Larson to ask North Star about how long to do work if awarded. And what’s the load
limit on Malone Island bridge.
Stahnke to contact Jeremiah on cost to remove docks if that becomes an issue.
Motion to accept survey and pay the invoice from North Star Waterways in the
amount of $4,00.00 by DaRosa, seconded by Joyce. Motion carried Unanimously.
9. New Business
a. Boat Lift Moratorium. Motion by Dahle, Seconded by Dallmann , Until we know
direction of Harbor dredging project all boat lift request in the harbor will be
placed on hold for one year. Also boat lifts will not be allowed in the channel
at any time.
Motion carried unanimously.
b. Volunteers:
1. Mowing Volunteers. DaRosa will put together a monthly schedule for
mowing of the harbor. Stockdill, Wilaby, Dallman will be mowing the harbor.
2. Malone Island Sign Volunteers: Meredith Joyce and Behnke will coordinate
the maintenance. Dahle will coordinate the planting of the sign.
c. Spring meeting of Members will be held June 10, 2023 at Dallmanns garage.
12:30 to 2:30. It will be a potluck. Members are encouraged to bring a “Dish to
Main topic of meeting: Findings of Dredging investigation and possible options
to consider.
d. Sumac Removal: S
1. Sumacs were removed where future boat docks may be located along
channel. Members removed sumacs at no cost to Association..
2. Discussion to clear brush and debris in harbor area.
Motion by Stahnke to clear lower brush and debris in the harbor area at a
cost not to exceed $500. Seconded by Larson. Motion carried
e. Drain tile on roadside of harbor needs additions stone. Larson to contact
f. Beaver activity still exists. Trapper is owed $125.00
g. Change Square Card: Joyce to work in Dahlen on invoicing .
10. Adjournment: Motion by Joyce, Seconded Dallmann to adjourn at 12:09 pm.
Motion Carried unanimous.