March 2023 Board Minutes



March 23, 2023

1. Meeting called to order by President Rick Behnke at 7:16 PM

2. Roll Call: Members present: Behnke, Larson, Stahnke, Dahle, DaRosa. Absent:

Joyce, Dallmann. Dallmann joins meeting at 7:20pm.

3. Approval of minutes: January 16, 2023 Zoom meeting. Motion to approve Stahnke,

seconded by Dahle. Motion Carried Unanimously.

4. Treasures Report. Bank Balance: $21,130.63.

Dredging Savings Account Balance: $12, 003.60

Membership Renewal: All members have paid dues except for one member.

Motion by Larson, seconded by Dahle to return the partial membership dues paid

by Christenson, with letter explaining full membership of $275 is due to retain


5. Secretary’s Report: None

6. Correspondence: Email from MN DNR stating the aquatic weed control permit is

under review.


8. OLD BUSINESS: Dredging Update:

1. Commercial Loan to association from Bank of Milaca would be approximately

65% of assessment. County assessment of out lot is $141,500.

Motion to submit a loan application at the Bank of Milica. Dahle, seconded by

Stahnke. Motion carried unanimous.

9. New Business

a. Dock Space. We currently have one open dock space. We have the potential to

add a few more dock spaces along the channel. Removal of brush and sumac

would be required.

b. Dock Committee Chairman: John Stahnke was appointed as Dock Chairman.

c. Varmint Watch: Currently no beaver or skunk activity.

d. Dredging Savings account: Motion by Larson, seconded by Stahnke to transfer

$10,000 from general fund to Dredging Savings account. Motion carried

unanimously. New balance $22,003.60

10. Malone Island Wear: Chris Joyce set up a means in which members can purchase

Malone Island Wear and souvenirs direct from the venders. This will save the

association credit card charges and fees. More information in next newsletter.

11. Adjournment: Motion by Larson Seconded Stahnke to adjourn at 8:44pm. Motion

Carried unanimous.

Chriss Joyce